principles of non-discrimination

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PACIFIC TRAVEL DMC develops and implements the desired practices and behaviors in terms of prevention and contribution to the elimination of any type and form of discrimination in organizations, is framed in the following principles:

a) Dignity of the person. Respect for the inherent nature of the human being and that grants inalienable and inalienable fundamental rights of a personal, family, sociocultural and environmental nature, which must be recognized and promoted.

b) Right to difference. All people have the right to be different, as an expression of human dignity and the rights to equality and the free development of personality. Families, society, organizations and the State must promote respect for the right to difference and establish mechanisms to eliminate intolerance, taking into account class, gender, ethnic group, age, sexual orientation, gender identity. , physical or mental health, among others.

c) Equality. People and organizations must offer the same treatment and protection to all people, regardless of sex, race, national or family origin, language, religion, political or philosophical opinion or any other condition or social situation. This principle does not proscribe differential treatment, but requires sufficient justification.

d) Equity. In the understanding that in each person numerous identities, characteristics, aspirations and needs are combined that together describe their particular situation before others, equity implies the ability to be fair, based on the principle of equality, but considering individual needs and the circumstances of each person.

e) Inclusión. Process that ensures that all people have the same opportunities, and the real and effective possibility of accessing, participating, relating to and enjoying a good, service or environment, together with other citizens, without any
limitation or restriction due to ethnicity, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national, family or social origin, language, religion, disability, physical appearance or any other condition or social situation, through concrete actions that help to improve comprehensively the living conditions of individuals.

f) Tolerance. Respect for the ideas, beliefs or practices of others, when they are different or contrary to our own. Tolerance is not concession, condescension or indulgence. Above all, tolerance is the recognition of the universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of others. In no case can it be used to justify the violation of these fundamental values.