
Pasto – Nariño

The Surprise City

about fate

The Department of Nariño, where the Nudo de los Pastos (Knot of the Pastures) divides the Andes into three parts in southern Colombia, is filled with hundreds of small plots cultivated with different products, creating a dazzling green landscape. From Pasto, the capital, you can travel to lagoons, volcanoes, páramos, warm valleys and tropical beaches.

Pacific Colombia

Pasto, founded in 1539, begins each year with a joyous celebration. For the first week of January, the color of people’s skin becomes irrelevant in the carnival of whites and blacks. This is the main carnival in Nariño, which celebrates tolerance and racial integration. Carnival locals paint their face black one day and white the next. These are the two main days of the black and white carnival, which since 2009 is part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. The celebrations, which will take place from 2 to 7 January. In Ipiales, visitors can admire the church of Nuestra Señora de Las Lajas, perched on a cliff in the Guáitara river canyon, considered the most beautiful church in the world.





Pasto Tours

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