
Santiago de Cali

Valle del Cauca

about fate

The cultural history of Santiago de Cali It has many faces, but without a doubt, the most important and the most representative is the salsa culture, a modern culture whose deepest roots go back to colonial times, to the period of slavery that dominated the economy and the social organization of the Sovereign State From Cauca in the 17th to 19th centuries. The slave regime caused the commoner, mestizo and mulatto population to mix racially and socially with the black population that suffered from slavery. Personal autonomy and flexible morality in relation to the body and sexuality were part of the most important values ​​of the poor, mixed and majority population in the colonial and republican town.

Pacific Colombia

Since then, this composition has been reproduced under different conditions at various times in the history of Cali, with this mixture, the values ​​of personal autonomy and flexible morality continue to be valid. The Cali style was forged in the dance of the son and the guaracha of yesteryear, in the outbursts of the mambo and the guaguancó, in the cadences of the bolero and the chachachá, after the 1960s it was renewed with the heyday of the pachangas, the jumps of the bogalo, the softness of the guajira and the feelingdel are montuno, all grouped under the generic name of the sauce. Since then, that language spread through the poor neighborhoods of Cali, it was fixed in the generations that created it, developed it, bequeathed it to their descendants and to the city that gave them life. *Alejandro Ulloa





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